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Parental Nutrition Standard

Our last Standard publication focusing on Nutrition and Supplementation during pregnancy is now available for download in our Resource Section. Prenatal Nutrition: The Role of Diet and Supplementation (Vol. 11 no 1). A review covering the unique dietary needs and recommendations for pregnant (or soon to be pregnant) women. This covers dietary patterns, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, key support nutrients and even probiotic recommendations. This discussion covers basic nutrient mechanisms as well as genomic (and epigenetic) influences of nutrients. Also covered are nuances between different forms of supplemental folates, iron and vitamin B12, some of which may be of interest to the clinician making specific recommendations.

You can download your copy here:

Dr. Guilliams’ latest Technical Report reviews the evidence supporting fish oil as the standard marine-derived omega-3 fatty acid, and discusses the various product types, their bioavailability, ethyl esters vs. triglycerides, pertinent quality control issues and gives take home recommendations. Since the wide range of therapeutic uses and forms, as well as sources and delivery forms of marine-derived omega-3 fatty acids is a source of confusion for patients and clinicians alike, this Point Institute paper reviews the evidence and explains the data supporting the use of fish oil, which has become the known standard in the world of marine derived Omega 3 products. The paper discusses the various types of marine derived Omega 3 products and the considerations which should be made when selecting one. Other topics include common concerns, such as allergies to fish oil, and the difference between Krill vs. Fish oil sources. The paper also discusses the research on the bioavailability of various structures and forms such as ethyl esters vs. triglyceride, as well as the differential uses of DHA and EPA, what defines pharmaceutical grade products, quality control issues, and ends with take-home recommendations for product selection.


Probiotics foods have been enjoyed for centuries, and recently more and more research has been confirming the many health benefits that the billions of friendly bacteria in our guts impart, as well as the role they play in treating gastrointestinal diseases. Since IBD is the result of an unbalanced gut microbiome, health practitioners are increasingly using probiotics as part of treatment protocols for Crohn’s and Colitis – in an effort to rebalance gut flora and help reduce the damaging inflammatory process characteristic of these disease.

According to a new study on childhood obesity, when it comes to the size of kids’ lunch plate, size does matter. Among 2nd graders who served themselves lunch, those using bigger plates served themselves approximately 90 calories more on average than those using the smaller plates and bowls, about 80% of the time. The kids served themselves an average 239 calories more on days when offered a one piece food, such as nuggets for lunch, rather than a shapeless meal like pasta. Since it is generally recommended that children serve themselves at mealtimes, researchers suggested that using smaller dishware at home may be a good strategy to achieve more appropriate kid-portion sizes.

Proponents of eating organic now have the results of a new study to support the health benefits associated with their preference for chemical free produce. In the study of fruit flies, those fed extracts of organically grown vegetables were found to have longer lifespans and better fertility than those fed conventionally grown produce.

A few important comments about this study; first, this was a study using fruit flies. Keep in mind that because their life cycle is so short, the accumulated benefits are seen much sooner. So the subtle benefit of added nutrition or the lack of life-sapping chemicals occurs within the time frame of these types of experiments. I believe many of the same benefits occur in humans- but they are difficult to measure with so many other variables over a lifetime. (I should also add that if you frequently keep organic produce sitting on your counter- you might have a swarm of fruit flies in a few days!) – TGG.