Your chances of death may depend on the county you live in, according to a new National Survey, but the reasons for the startling findings boil down to lifestyle factors. Healthy eating habits, smoking, and the environment, including quality of local parks and water were all key components of the ratings. Some of the worst scoring counties in the Survey included: Lake in CA, New Haven in CT, Baltimore City in MD and Menominee in WI – check out the article to see how your county scored!


Oxidative stress is a culprit in the development of many chronic diseases and may be one reason why those with diabetes are more vulnerable to developing cancer. A healthy diet rich in antioxidants has long been known to prevent cellular damage from oxidation and radiation and now a new study sheds some more light on its protective effects on health. According to a recent study, subjects who consumed 300 g of vegetables and 25 ml of plant oil for 8 weeks raised their serum antioxidants levels and reduced their levels of HgBA1C, a marker which indicates damage to DNA strands. Those who followed a healthy diet but did not consume the 300 g of vegetables reduced their glycated hemoglobin but did not get the important benefits of improved antioxidant status. Click to read more:

The question of higher protein diets has been hotly debated in the health community in recent years. Now, a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that supplementing protein may be beneficial for blood pressure management. Of the 43 overweight and obese participants who followed a diet based on 25 % calories from protein supplements, blood pressure was lowered after just 4 weeks. The protein diet consisted of 20 % pea protein, 20 % soy protein, 30 % egg protein and 30 % milk protein isolate, with participants consuming 20 grams of protein, three times a day. Click to read more:

While a growing number of consumers are becoming staunch supporters of organic produce, the research on the benefits of organics have been mixed. One of the latest studies on the subject has concluded that while they don’t offer any more in the way of nutrition, eating organic reduces consumption of pesticides and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While a third of conventional produce was found to contain residue of pesticides, only 7% of organic produce did. Click to read more:

The Mediterranean diet is best known for its benefits for cardiometabolic health, but now a new study has shown that the well known diet also imparts significant benefits for your bones. According to the study, those who consumed an olive oil rich diet over two years had increased osteocalcin, a key bone formation marker. While no significant changes were seen in serum calcium levels in those consuming the olive oil-rich Mediterranean diet, serum calcium decreased significantly in those consuming a Mediterranean diet rich in nuts, and the low-fat control diet. Click to read more: