Cardiometabolic Road map coming This Spring!
Many of you have been asking us “When is the next Road map going to be ready” and we can now tell you that our target is to have it ready to ship this spring (2018). As you can imagine if you have read any of our previous Road maps, the amount of relevant information published in the cardiometabolic field is probably more than any other, and the number of lifestyle and nutrient-related remedies that have been investigated is vast. …All of which means that we are sifting through mounds of information to bring you the sort of informed, balanced and evidence-based approach that we have taken with each of our other projects (though this one is slated to be a bit larger than the previous GI book). We realize that this has taken longer than we (or you) would have liked, but in addition to the tremendous breadth of this topic (and due to the publication of the previous books), Dr. Guilliams has had additional speaking and writing requests over the past year that were unanticipated. We want to thank you for your patience and hope not to rely upon it much longer. We will let all of you know when we are ready to take pre-orders for the new book and maybe provide a sneak peak of a portion in the very near future. Stay warm, spring is just around the corner.