While a growing number of consumers are becoming staunch supporters of organic produce, the research on the benefits of organics have been mixed. One of the latest studies on the subject has concluded that while they don’t offer any more in the way of nutrition, eating organic reduces consumption of pesticides and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. While a third of conventional produce was found to contain residue of pesticides, only 7% of organic produce did. Click to read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/09/04/us-organic-idUSBRE88303620120904

The Mediterranean diet is best known for its benefits for cardiometabolic health, but now a new study has shown that the well known diet also imparts significant benefits for your bones. According to the study, those who consumed an olive oil rich diet over two years had increased osteocalcin, a key bone formation marker. While no significant changes were seen in serum calcium levels in those consuming the olive oil-rich Mediterranean diet, serum calcium decreased significantly in those consuming a Mediterranean diet rich in nuts, and the low-fat control diet. Click to read more:


The Point Institute is excited to announce the publication and release of The Original Prescription, a new book exploring the science behind lifestyle medicine and how everyday choices can alter the signals that drive our health. Using the 7 spheres of lifestyle synergy as a guide, as well as key principles that support the implementation of lifestyle changes, the book explores how to trigger one’s own healing capacity, how to reverse and prevent chronic disease, how to increase quality of life and even how to leverage health to fulfill your life’s purpose.